


your models

Everything needed to get your LLMs to production grade accuracy


Effortless Multiple LLMs Selection

Instantly test various models with a single click, streamlining the comparison and analysis process.

Customizable Prompt Templates

Tailor your input and context prompts with user-defined variables.

Query different models on your knowledge base

Creating a RAG system in seconds using our platform.

Bulk Data Integration

Seamlessly upload data in large quantities into your templates using quick file uploads.


Selection of Judge Models for AI-based evaluation

Choose from a diverse range of judge models when leveraging AI for evaluation.

Response comparison with expected output

Directly compare the responses with your pre-defined expected outputs using scorers like ROUGE, BLEU, etc.

Define custom scorers

Using our predefined template, create your own evaluation scores and metrics.

Add human feedback

Directly add human feedback and evaluation to your outputs straight from the platform.

Coming Soon

Centralized data visualization

Access all your data points and graphs conveniently in one unified location.

Advanced alert systems with custom thresholds

Set up personalized thresholds and trigger alerts when thresholds are breached.

Realtime response enhancement

Upgrade and refine your model's responses instantly and preserve these improvements for future reference.

Efficient creation of fine-tuning datasets

Seamlessly construct tailored datasets specifically designed for fine-tuning your models, thereby enhancing their performance over time.